EFIA :: Emirates Future international School

00971 (0)2 5525188      

Principal's Message

Principal's Message



I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all on behalf of Emirates Future International Academy Abu Dhabi.

I feel honored to be a part of the EFIA fraternity which has been in the limelight for the past six years, rendering praiseworthy service to the community. At EFIA, our well-trained teachers and staff work hand in hand as a highly motivated team with the copious support of the management to help mold the character and unlock the true potential of each student. Our dedicated team is fully engaged in moving the school forward and improving its quality and credentials, drawing on the experiences to help shape a positive and congenial environment. We are constantly motivated by our chairman  Dr. Mohamed Saeed Abdulla Naser AlJunaibi and the Academic Advisor Mr. Adnan Essa Abbas who are the driving force behind the success of EFIA. 

In a nut shell, the strengths of EFIA include the following ideals:

  1. Our total commitment to give you the best by caring for the students’ well-being.
  2. Articulating the Mission and Vision of EFIA by building benchmarks of excellence in every sphere of activity.
  3. Keeping in tune with the contemporary society and the cultures.
  4. Developing the competencies of the students in academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and developing mental health which leads to a rich and varied intellectual life. (The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as a "state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.’) 
  5. We aim to groom and equip our students to be digitally competent individuals which enhance their learning abilities.
  6. We strive to adapt our teaching strategies and techniques to meet the demands of ever evolving tech savvy world.

We honestly believe that EFIA has been providing ample opportunities to its students to grow and excel in a competitive, positive, safe and supportive environment. We are ever committed to develop and maintain exemplary international standards, and they will be carried out in all earnestness with the co-operation of all the stake holders. In addition, we have been fulfilling our responsibility with care and diligence to foster personal and civic virtues amongst our students. 

We, at EFIA, believe that parental involvement considerably aids in achieving better learning expectations and reinforce the class room norms and behavior. We can, with the unstinted co-operation of the parents, offer our students an educational experience which is invariably shaped by efficiency, care, and devotion. We encourage the parents to keep in touch with the school by mainly contacting the supervisors by using email, phone or calling on us so that we could build mutually beneficial relationship and attend to the needs of the student pragmatically.

Wishing the EFIA community a happy, safe, healthy and successful academic year


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