EFIA :: Emirates Future international School

00971 (0)2 5525188      



Emirates Future International Academy Abu Dhabi

                                                                                           (Affiliated to C.B.S.E New Delhi, India & Approved by UAE MOE and ADEK Abu Dhabi)



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -DR.A.P.J ABDUL KALAM

We are permanently affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi, and the autonomous Federal Board, under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) Government of India, since 1993. We are also recognized by the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK), UAE.

Emirates Future International Academy has very distinctive ethos built on strong positive relationships and the desire to help students develop a love of learning, become curious and happy learners with high self-esteem. Helping students develop into confident, sensitive and reflective adults is a key priority at EFIA School. This is achieved through outstanding teaching and careful support for all students throughout their time in school. We regard students as individuals, all different but all equal, with varying strengths and interests. We are proud of the academic and extra-curricular success our students achieve and are determined to help students to fulfill their potential while making the most of the wealth of opportunities on offer at the school.

We work closely in partnership with parents and believe this relationship is crucial to the success of our students. Friendliness and a willingness to listen are at the heart of all that we do and through this strong collaboration students thrive. Our resources, both human and material, are remarkably geared to prepare the students for the 21st century skills.

This school adheres to a strict educational regimen and extra-curricular activities that inspire the highest levels of overall academic excellence among all students.

The School aims to develop and nurture the following competencies and values.

  • The nurturing of a student’s problem solving, analytical skills and development must be at the center of what any school seeks to achieve.
  • The curriculum framework is student- centered, comprehensive and well balanced. The curriculum is based on the CBSE syllabus and the framework aims at providing a creative system to prepare children for the real world challenges.
  • Teaching and learning is enquiry-based, with an emphasis on problem solving, creativity, critical thinking and aims to build up students" abilities as 21st century learner.


Our curriculum is based on the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), designed and developed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT),  New Delhi.

It aims at

  • Designing activities that involve children
  • Encouraging cooperative learning
  • Providing concrete experiences
  • Teaching through peer interaction
  • Enhancing the English language skills of every student
  • Ensuring the holistic development of the students

General information regarding curriculum:-

  • The medium of instruction is English.
  • Arabic language is compulsory for all students and Islamic studies is compulsory for all Muslim students.
  • UAE culture, heritage and cultural appreciation are taught to all our students.
  • Moral Education, Music, Dance, Art and Craft, Physical Education and Sports activities are included in the timetable to make sure that latent talents are developed.

 KinderGarten (Jr. KG  & Sr. KG)

 The school follows the Montessori Method of teaching based on the CBSE modules.

EFIA KG curriculum provides a broad learning experience and encourages them to excel in      the COGNITIVE, AFFECTIVE and PSYCHOMOTOR skills. PLAY WAY LEARNING, e- LEARNING and ACTIVITY BASED LEARNING are the three major methodologies that     are followed in our school. 

The school prepares them to be competent enough in the 21st century learning skills like   creative thinking, problem solving, independent learning, communication, team work,  citizenship and global awareness. Individual attention is provided to our young learners  so as to identify their interests and develop their skills in a friendly atmosphere.

 Subjects taught in KG classes:    English, Mathematics, General Knowledge, Moral Studies, and Arabic, Music, Art and Craft, Physical Education etc.

Primary School – Grades I - V

The nurturing of a child’s academic curiosity and development must be at the center of what any school seeks to achieve. The curriculum framework at the Primary Level is student- centered, comprehensive and well balanced. The curriculum is based on the CBSE syllabus and the framework aims at providing a creative system to prepare children for the real world challenges. Teaching and learning is enquiry-based, with an emphasis on problem solving, and aims to build up students" abilities as learners.

Subjects taught in Primary classes: English, Mathematics, Environment Studies/Science, Social science, Hindi/ Malayalam, Arabic, Islamic Studies / Moral Science, Moral Education, Computer Science, Art & craft, Music, Dance, Physical Education and UAE S.S.

Enrichment classes are conducted regularly to develop and improve the 21st century learning skills like Critical thinking, Communication, Self-confidence and Leadership qualities.

 The Middle School – Grades VI - VIII

The school ideal aims at "quality all-round education", focusing on students" talents, moral characteristics and self-esteem. We are committed to ensure outstanding progress of every student through, a broad range of enrichment and extension programmes in a safe and secure environment.

Subjects at the Middle School Level:

English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Computer Science, Malayalam / Hindi/French, Arabic, Islamic Studies / Moral Science, Moral Education, Art & craft , Physical Education  and UAE S.S.

 The Secondary School – Grades IX & X

Our school provides an excellent education, high quality teaching and state-of-the-art facilities along with pastoral care.  Students have a positive and enjoyable learning experience in an environment which is friendly, supportive and challenging.  We facilitate a world-class education, ,  providing students an educational experience  with  strong academic focus and varied complementary  programmes  for  their all-round development .

The All India Secondary School Examination, conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, is held at the end of the academic year for Grade X.

Subjects offered in CBSE:

  • English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science
  • Optional languages include Hindi, Malayalam & French
  • Arabic is a compulsory subject in Grades IX and X.
  • Islamic Studies examination is conducted for Muslim students.
  • Work Experience, Art Education and Physical Education.


Senior Secondary- Grade XI & XII

The school challenges students at all levels, support them in setting and attaining realistic personal academic goals and remain committed to excellence at all times. Students will be guided in selecting and attaining credentials from a variety of pathways and types of learning.

Our school currently offers the following options of subjects for Grades XI and XII.




GROUP-1: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology.

GROUP-2: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science.

GROUP-3: Physics, Chemistry, Informatics Practices, Biology.




GROUP-1:Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies,  Marketing

 GROUP-2: Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies, Mathematics.

GROUP-3: Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies, Informatics Practices.


Our students are provided with ample opportunities to develop their personal skills and talents in different areas along with a strong, well-rounded curriculum thus providing and moulding students with a perfect blend of academic, social, and emotional growth.

Inclusion of Student Competence Framework (SCF) in the curriculum is meant to identify and develop various skills like critical thinking, problem solving, and leadership .Moral education in the curriculum inculcates moral values in the students like respect for the nation, its citizens , its culture and history ;thereby creating an awareness about their social responsibility towards the society and moulding them into responsible and productive future citizens.

abudhabi economic vision2030_1    National Identyfy framework

                                                                                                                                                                                                         NATIONAL IDENTITY FRAMEWORK

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